1.All competitors must be bona fide members of a Club affiliated to the Crewe and District Badminton League.
2.Entries will not be accepted unless sent to the Tournament Secretary, accompanied by the correct entry form and fee.
3.All entries must bear your Badminton Association of England Affiliation Number, and be certified by a Club Official
4.Entries accompanied by payment must be sent to the Tournament Secretary to arrive no later than the Closing Date. All cheques or postal orders should be made payable to
Crewe and District Badminton League. Please include a S.A.E if an acknowledgement is required.
Under no circumstances will late entries be accepted.
5.Player requiring a partner should indicate this on their entry forms, and every effort will be made to obtain one for them. Partners will be allocated in strict order of receipt of entry form.
If, due to unforeseen circumstances, a player, having already entered, has to withdraw, substitutes will be accepted provided the Tournament Secretary is notified at least 1 week prior to the event taking place.
No substitutes will be allowed in the preceding week prior to the event.
6.Players must wear acceptable Badminton Sports clothing.
(BAoE - Tournament Regulation Rule 28)
7.All successful competitors must be prepared to play for the duration of the Whole Tournament.
8.Knocking up times will be limited to 3 minutes.
9.Players must report to the Referee on arrival. Players not ready to play when called to do so render themselves liable to be scratched. Players may not leave the hall without the referee's permission.
10.Challenge Trophies will be played for annually. The holders will be responsible for the safe keeping and professional engraving by the Leagues nominated engraver, the cost of which will be borne by the League.
11.Trophies must be returned in a presentable state no later than one month prior to the following year's tournament
12.The Tournament Organising Committee reserve the right to alter the programme of the Tournament at its discretion and to cancel any event should there be insufficient entries
13.The Tournament Referee's decision shall be final.

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