We heard recently that Jaqui Storey (or Jaqueline as she was known to some) had passed away after a number of illnesses caught up with her. Jaqui started playing at Central Meths and Acton in the early 80s moving on to Welsh Row latterly. She was always regarded as a good club player - the kind every club needs. She was inducted into the hall of fame known as the Over 65 group at its inaugural session in April 2018. She was a regular member of that group. The photo attached was taken at that event.

If you knew Jaqui then you may wish to know that the funeral will take place at Crewe crematorium on 11th December at 11.30. Afterwards, there will then be a chance to remember Jaqui at The Elephant, Newcastle Road, Shavington, CW2 5DZ. Crewe and District thoughts, as always, are with the family and close friends for whom this is a difficult time.


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