Hi All,
Dates are confirmed for the rearranged Open tournament which will now be held on Sunday the 9th of February,
8.30 -12.30 at Sandbach Boys School.
following events will be taking place:
Mens Singles
Ladies Singles
Mixed Doubles
Mens Doubles
Ladies Doubles
For those that had entered for the previous date please could you confirm if you're still wanting to enter given the date change.
is £8 per player for 1 event, £14 per player if playing 2 events and £20 for those playing in 3 events.
Payment can be made on the day. If you wish to enter please contact myself by
any of the following:
Email - karar3@hotmail.co.uk
– 07505 118425
let me know which events you are entering, club you play at and your
partner's name. If anyone wishes to enter but doesn't have a partner then
let me know as there may be others in the same situation! Entries close on the 6th of February.
Kara -
Tournament Secretary