The league held its seventy seventh AGM on Monday 13th May at the Duke of Gloucester. The meeting was most notable for it being the last to be chaired by the incumbent Chairman - David Sumner. David stepped down after 29 years at the helm. He is succeeded by Carl McGregor-Ogden and now takes up the position of league President. Alan Horne who had occupied this position wished to take a step back, and is now honoured for his services with a vice presidency.

The meeting minutes are attached to this note and they will also appear in the web site downloads. League finances are in a good state of health. All of the officers reports recorded positive outcomes. There are fewer team and clubs than for many years, which could be a cause for concern, however, the number of registered players seems stable.

The rule changes are worthy of special note. They are as follows:

The constitution has changed to allow the election and incorporation of a Vice-Chairman on to the executive committee. Chris Geal of Alsager BC will be in place for 2024/5. In the same motion we agreed to institute a role of vice-president (like many organisations) which would allow us to make great servants of the league VP as an honorary title.

An anomaly in the rules has been fixed in that excess costs caused to a club by the late cancellation of a fixture could be payable by the defaulting club. This provision was made in only one of the rules covering this situation. There are two rules that need to be treated identically.

An interesting proposal from Northwich to operate a mirror league governed by handicaps was debated. In practise, the divisional title will be decided in the traditional way. However, in parallel to the standard league table a second mirror table will be maintained which has handicaps applied. A secondary title could then be awarded on the mirror league. Details are still to be worked out, but this is an interesting diversion.

The meeting ended with a special presentation made to Dave by John Hunter. Dave gave some parting views and received a specially engraved silver salver as a token of our great appreciation for all he has done for the league. A photo of this is attached here.



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